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Before Your Procedure at BSM Surgery Center in Corvallis

The instructions below are provided to patients as general guidelines. Your physician may also provide instructions specific to the procedure being performed. If you have any questions, please contact the surgery center at 541-207-3334.

Patients who have their procedures performed at BSM Surgery Center will enjoy the convenience of a centrally located facility with accessible parking and streamlined registration. Our professional and knowledgeable healthcare professionals at BSM will treat you with the greatest care and respect. The BSM Surgery Center is JCAHO Accredited and provides an inviting and comfortable environment designed for efficiency, safety and privacy. Patient satisfaction is important to us and is a true measure of our success.

Before Your Surgery

Registered Nurse working at BSM Surgery Center in CorvallisYour doctor has scheduled a date for your procedure. If there are concerns or questions, a registered nurse will contact you. A comprehensive pre-admission assessment will be conducted at this time. You will need to provide the nurse with a complete health history and a list of prescription and over the counter medications you take.

Pre-operative lab work and an EKG may be ordered depending on your health history, age and medication list. Lab and EKG, if ordered, will need to be completed prior to your admission at the surgery center.

Please notify your surgeon before coming to the center if you have any change in your physical condition (sore throat, cold, fever or wound near your surgical site).

A Responsible Adult Must Accompany Surgery Patients

Make arrangements in advance for a responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. It is important that your ride is available when you are discharged. By law, you are not permitted to drive yourself home after receiving sedation. Failure to meet these guidelines could result in the cancellation of your procedure.